Thursday, September 19, 2024

Academic-Research-Media Complex, Gas Lighting Readers that Hunters Are Poisoning Bald Eagles -

 Yet another study has been published that claims the use of lead-based ammunition by hunters is the root cause of rampant poisoning of America’s bald eagles.

Like clockwork, the media runs with these “studies” with breathless coverage that hunters are killing bald eagles.

A new Cornell University study posits bald eagles are especially susceptible to lead poisoning as a result of hunters taking game in New York and that using traditional lead component ammunition puts humans at severe risk of being poisoned. Overwhelming evidence shows that the recovery of bald eagles is truly remarkable and that across the United States they are thriving like never before, thanks to hunters.

New Study, Same Anti-Hunting Implications

A new study from Cornell University examined 30 different species of bird and mammal scavengers in New York to study which is the most susceptible to lead poisoning. The study utilized and analyzed game camera images contributed by New York residents. According to the study, New York researchers then “identified and analyzed 14 birds and 17 mammals, from American crows to Virginia opossums,” according to the Cornell Chronicle. “Considering each species’ numbers, physical traits and opportunity to scavenge…the team determined bald eagles are most at risk from ingesting toxic debris from lead bullets.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  Academic-Research-Media Complex, Gas Lighting Readers

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