Thursday, May 17, 2007

Deja vue~

Started off this morning almost the same as yesterday. Kids up on the bus, lay back down, then instead of a text message the phone rang, daughter #3 has beach day at school today, BUUUUT she forgot her tennis shoes and socks and *GASP* `underwear' to change into after the beach. doesn't she know how embarassing it is for a man, like me her dad to have to go through her drawers to find her a pair of undie's and then take those self-same item to her at school? Oh, the horror. Well got her stuff woke up son #4 got him dressed, then off to the elementary school. My face turning red I took her stuff to the office and had them page her to the office. when she got there I gave her stuff and then son #4 and I beat retreat to the truck. We got back home and had breakfast whlie he was having fun eating his lucky charms and throwing cereal pieces at the cat, I got my inflatable bed inflated. YES I can move off of the couch finally. 2 years is too long.


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