Thursday, May 17, 2007

So here I sit,

I've read the CV that AD sent me, I've highlighted a few things to ask him. I've typed up my basic questions and printed them out. I should be lying down for a bit to get ready for the interview, but what am I doing? Switching between the History channel and the Scifi channel watching The Day After and Modern Marvels. Man I remember when The day After first was broadcast on CBS way back in the 80's. that was one thing that helped push me along the line of how I take care of things now. If you've never watched it I recommend it to you. there are a LOT of factual errors, it's Hollywood after all, but they got quite a few thing right also. Lets see if you can figure out the errors from the real stuff.



  1. I'll be calling in at 11:45 so we can make sure the sound is acceptable. Look for a number from a 337 area code - I'll be on a land line rather than my cell.

    Talk to you in a few!

  2. You sounded real good and After I listened to the archive you sounded better than I did :)



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