Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I just finished my show for the night.

And toward then end I was actually getting a little bit upset about what the politicians are doing. So as I got ready to sign off I was a little more abrubt than I intended to be. I apologize for that. However as I said when I have a guest on if you call in are are rude or argumentative I will hang up on you. If however you are polite and reasoned in your speech I will allow you all the time you need to make your case. Not the time you "WANT" the time you need. Once I feel you have made your point, if you have nothing else constructive to add I will thank you and hang up. I'm not doing it to be rude, far from it I'm doing it to be polite to anyone else waiting on the line to speak with my guest. If I don't have a guest and you call in, you can take the entire show as long as there are no other callers waiting. If there are I will inform you of that before I hang up. You called in Long Distance and so are they it's very rude to keep them on hold while you ramble on trying to make your point. Once I feel your point is made I will thank you and hang up, if you cannot make your point or are becoming rude I will hang up also. Now, I'm still not very familiar with the software BlogTalkRadio uses, but I am improving, according to them I can have upto 5 callers on the air at the same time. In the future if my show progresses I would like to have a "Round-Robin" discussion with various people. I think it will be nice and informative. But as of yet I am not that comfortable with the software so it will be awhile.

Thank you to everyone who listens to the show Live and to the Archives.

And if you ever wish to send me an IM during the show feel free to do so.


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