Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Well that was an interesting morning. got to sleep finally after 2:30 at least that is what time it was the last time I looked at my watch. Yes I sleep with my watch on. It's a Victorinox Swiss Army Watch, that was a gift from a friend, he gave it to me to match my Victorinox Swiss Tool Multi-Pliers that go with me everywhere except the Airport and the Court House. I didn't know at the time the watch was worth almost $200.00. but back to my narrative. It's hard getting to sleep after 2:30 a.m. and getting up at 6:30 a.m. to get the younger kids out of bed dressed for school and on the bus. this morning was especially trying as my youngest daughter decided she wanted to take her lunch today, so I had to get the fixings down for her while I wrote a permission slip so she could go to the beach with her class today. Finally the 4 of them were out the door to the bus, that just left me and my youngest who was still asleep. so I layed back down after resetting the alarm for 8:00 a.m. just like I always do. Not even all the way laying down my cell phone chirps at me. A text message from my oldest daughter, could I bring her choir shirt to her at school? Uhhhhmmm Ok, I guess..... Where is it? I text back. Her reply? somewhere in my room on my bed or in my closet. Uhhhhhhhhh, OoooooKay. Finally at 7:50 a.m. I found it. Buried under a bunch of clothes in her closet was the shirt. Got it, woke up my 4 year old, got him dressed, sandals on, got myself together and started for the door. "What's that?" Right next to the door was my yougest daughter's lunch box and her permission slip, UGH! something else to do. So my 4 year old and I headed to the truck, as I opened the door my 6 year old shepherd/husky mix jumped right into the cab, "No girl not today." Her whines as we pull out of the driveway reverberating in my ears i head to the middle school to drop off my daughters shirt. 10 minutes later pulling into the school parking lot I found I was not the only parent dropping off a choir shirt, finding a place to park was fun. Got the shirt dropped off, now to head to the elementary schhol to drop off my youngest daughters lunch box and permission slip. Pulled out of the parking lot, and almost got hit by a high school student who was running late. It might have been interesting 90's model Honda CRX vs 93 Dodge Dakota, I DO need a new truck but not THAT bad. Plus I have my 4 year old in his car seat in the truck, so no I think I'll pass. Ggot to the elementary school right at the bell, so I dropped off her stuff and youngest and I went to the store to pickup a newspaper. I paid for an ad to sell my Suburban and I wanted to make sure it's printed right. Bought the paper and headed for home. Got home unbuckled my youngest, and we headed for the house, just to come to a stop as my dog was VERY upset with me. She let my 4 year old walk right on by, but ME she head butted off the front walk out into the yard. After palyng with her for a few minutes she finaly let me inside the house. Got breakfast for 4 year old, and checked my ad in the paper. They got it right, maybe I can get this thing sold by the weekend. Well, He's done eating, so I guess it's time to watch his shows. I can't wait until nap time...


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