Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Well THAT was fun..

#4 son and I he's 4 by the way and # 7 of the total brood, had our nap today. Ooohh did I need the nap, he on the other hand needed to hit me in the head with his toy car to show me it's really cool wheels :) But I digress, he and I had our naps, and got up just in time to run pell mell to the pool to pick up daughter #1 and Daughter #2, the oldest and second oldest of my brood, from swim team practice. To hurry pell mell back to the house, to get there about 90 seconds before the bus pulled up to let son #1 he's #3 in the brood, daughter #3 she's #4, and the Twins, sons #2 and #3, and they are #5 AND #6 in the brood. wheeew, makes my head spin just writing it. any way got home all the kids off the bus and in the house. Time to start dinner, #1 and #2 will be eating at church with the Youth Group, so I'll just make a cassarole for the rest of us. got out the Pyrex Pan and start browning the meat, like I've done 100's of time before, as the meat is browned add the cheese, reach for my iced tea and take a drink. well the condensation from my cup dripped into the hot hot pan and I suddenly had shattered glass and hamburger meat and cheese flying all over the stove. Felt a pain in my stomach and left hand look down and I've got some slivers of glass sticking out of my shirt and a piece about an inch long in my left hand. Oh brother........... shut off the stove, grab a paper towell and pull the glass out of my hand and wrap it. go back into the laundry room and grab the duct tape over the washer, use that to pull the slivers out of my stomach. then clean up the mess, welp, dinner tonight was 40 minutes late because I had to do all that and start over, I'm glad I have more than one cassarole pan, and my Cup of Iced Tea is now banished from the side of the stove. Kids are done eating and are now doing chores then we start homework. Oh, Lordy, I still have to find something to talk about for tonight.....

C'est la Vie

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