Saturday, September 8, 2007

Along the lines of what I linked

to Babs's blog earlier. Down here in the south neighbors help out. In the last 2 months we've had over 7 inches of rain, where it rained almost everyday. Making it so I could not cut my lawn. So today the kids and I went out to cut the 3+ foot tall grass with the push mower as the riding mower is down until sears comes out and fixes it "AGAIN". My neighbors M and his wife S, see us having problems and they know that I"m on the same meds as M and not supposed to be out in the heat. So 10 minutes later M and S are over and helping us cut the yard with their riding mower and line trimmer. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, both of you.

That is why I love to live in the south. Neighbors help each other out.


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