Saturday, September 8, 2007

I need a favor.........

I have been trying to get Tamera to come on my show for an interview. She FINALLY answered my e-mail, but says that she doesn't like her speaking voice. Please help me to persuade her to come on my show. So if you go over there and enjoy her Blog as much as I do, leave her a comment telling her you got there from my site, and she really should come on my show. Please help a poor blogger out.....



  1. Tam's is my favorite blog, and I'd love to hear her ramble on about anything, actually. I called in to a couple people (AD and Matt) on your show, and I listened to the whole thing later in both cases, and my skin fairly crawled when I heard my own voice. Horrors! I sound like a colossal goober! Anyway, maybe, like me, Tam has a nails-on-chalkboard sensation when she hears her own voice.

  2. I thought you had a very lovely speaking voice. A bit Sultry, like Kathleen Turner, but very nice.


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