Sunday, September 16, 2007

Frazzen raggin brackin Blog Talk

I was getting ready to do my show tonight when I logged in and was calling in to host my show when I was suddenly informed that the servers are down until 6 am EST tomorrow. Oh, Great. It would have been nice to have gotten an e-mail a day or so ago so I would know the server was going to be down.



  1. Ah but then you could have done a work around at a nice, slow pace. And what fun would that be?

    *evil grin from the IT Dwarf.*

    Mr. "Hit it with a hammer" Steelhammer.

  2. If I had admin access to the servers it wouldn't have been a problem, if I couldn't have gotten it taken care of I have 4 people I can call on that could do it. It just irked me that they didn't even notify me about a few days in advance.


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