Sunday, September 16, 2007

I just deleted

several draft posts I was working on. One was a minor explanation of me and some of the medications I am on and the reasons for them. After re-reading it several times it seemed like I was being a whiny little *****. Yes I have to take a bunch of pain medications daily just to function, but I don't think explaining the limitations these drugs and the reason for them would be something my readers would like to read.

The other post was a rant against the media and their war on the constitution of our country in collusion to the liberal poiticians. I had a lot of points and a lot of research to back up my assertions but others have made the same points as I was making and I didn't want it to be construed as jumping on the bandwagon with other bloggers.

It's hard at times to write a blog. To find a subject that someone would want to read and to share with others. I don't want to ever be the blog guy who just parrots what everyone else is saying. I want what I write to be timely and meaningfull, and something that has an impact. Yes I'll have some stuff which is just plain silly but I am not that silly all the time.

I'm off to get kids redy for bed.


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