Friday, February 15, 2008

Laura Hayes

I just finished an Interview with Laura Hayes who starred in the 2007 movie, "The Artifact". IMDB has removed the actual listing to the movie, but it shows up in the google cache I just don't know how to pull it out and post it. The interview will play on sunday nights show for those who are interested. I have been exchanging E-mail messages with Laura for about a year now on myspace, and I wanted to giver her a bit of a wider audience. "The Artifact" won 2nd place in last years Ava Gardner Filmfest, and she hopes to have a film in this years filmfest as well. So please login Sunday to hear her interview.


ps, I will apologize now for the audio quality, my digital recorder gave up the ghost and I had to use my micro-cassette recorder with a telephone pickup, so the sound quality isn't what I would like.


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