Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday March 6th

I will be interviewing RiftGirl. There is a very important reason I will be interviwing her. THIS is one of those reasons. Hatred, Discrimination, Violence against transgender persons, as well as Gay, Lesbian and Bi-Sexual people is repugnant. There are many who claim that they are an Abomination against God. However all of us are God's Children. We all seek God in our own way. It is not my place to declare that someone is an abomination, that is God's duty, not mine. At the same time others would have you believe that TS/TG, Gays, Lesbian and Bi-Sexual people deserve to treated as less than human. That is fallacy, and completely against what Jesus and the Bible taught us. It is also taught in other Religions So why do we have violence and discrimination against TS/TG's?

Please come by the 6th of March, but please leave hatred or intolerance behind.



  1. Christ never once hated anyone. He came to forgive, not condemn. Sadly, many just don't get it.

    Hate the sin, love hte sinner.

    I truely wish everyone would understand the very simple concept that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are PERSONAL. They are just for YOU. You choose whether or not you accept His rules and we have all sinned and failed.

    Kinda why Jesus had to step down and help us out no?

    Our faith gets beat up so much these days. Part of it is because of people that just don't get it, part because of ones that claim to be Christians and then do everything they can to be as much the opposite of what we should be and partly because the world in general just doesn't want to be told what God wants, they're too busy doing what they want.

    But, thankfully, we only have one thing we need to do when it comes to this...

    Follow Him.

    We don't judge, we don't condemn, we don't cast the first stone. Just, follow His lead.

    I will do my best to call in buddy. Can't promise as time slips by fast these days and my face is a major concern being paralyzed and all. Wife is really worried but, 85% chance it will pass with nothing left of the experience but memories.

    Either way, I will praise Him.

    Best of luck on the show either way too (whether I can call in or not!)

  2. You just said it a lot better than I have been trying to.

    thank you...

    I'm praying for you and your family in this time of medical setback.



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