Tuesday, July 7, 2009

100 Mile CB

This post has been updated a couple of times. See the two following links as well.

100 Mile CB AGAIN!!

Preparedness Video Project Tips and Tricks 100 Mile CB

If you want to have a CB that will reach 100 miles, you will have to break quite a few laws to do that.

First you will have to modify your radio, which voids it type certification and makes illegal for you to use after that. It can only be used legally again if you send it to an authorized repair center and have your modifications reversed.

Then you will have to increase it's power output. By Law a CB is limited to 4 watts forward power. To get a range of 100 miles you will need to amplify that by the use of a linear amplifier which is illegal for use on the CB frequencies. If you are a Licensed Ham Operator you can use an amplifier but not on the CB bands. Only on the bands you are licensed for.

You would then need a very good antenna, not one of those 19.99 mag mount specials. Expect to pay 100 plus just for the antenna the mount and the coax will run you some bux also.

If you do get all of this together, you will need the power to run your radio and your amp. Most automobile batteries will last about 10 minutes powering such a setup. If you run your engine to keep charging the battery, with the amount of power you are putting out, you will probably fry your cars electronics, and you will destroy your battery as well.

Is it worth it?

When you can spend less than 20.00 to get a Technician license, and you can get a decent 2 meter mobile radio with a good antenna, that will only use 6-10 amps of power but will put out anywhere from 40 to 100 watts of power, for less than 250.00. And if you tie in to linked repaeters you can talk for hundredS, that is several hundred miles.

Is it worth possibly getting arrested, losing your car and your radio, and very large fines, just to be "cool"?

If you are interested please click on THIS link and see about getting a HAM license.


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