Saturday, July 11, 2009

Open your eyes

For almost 2 weeks, we have been bombarded with all the details of Michael Jacksons life, death, kids, family problems, money problems etcetera ad nauseum.

The MSM has spoon fed us this pap diverting our attention from other things going on. such as, Cap and Trade, which is actually a hidden tax on every person in the country. The possibility of the CIA misleading congress. When in fact it is an attempt by the Democratic party to save Nancy Pelosi from her own lies. What else are they trying to hide from us?

Open your eyes, don't rely on the MSM for your news, seek it out yourself. Make your own determination. Use your own judgment and make your own decisions. Don't let someone else make up your mind for you.

Remember in between white and black there are shades of gray. Be sure you see the subject for what it actually is.


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