Saturday, July 18, 2009

Political Censorship

When someone disagrees with something you say, they can ignore you, and look elsewhere. Or as some people have done, click on the little "Flag" button here on Blogger. Girl in Shorts has been flagged as "Objectionable", which normally means there is adult content, ie: lots of nudity. Well I have looked at her blog, and there is one, photo of a topless woman seen from the side, and I don't find it objectionable. It was to make a point in her post, and it does. However there are many people who do not agree with her politics, and use any excuse to block people from seeing her views which do not agree with their own. Hence the "Flag" and now she has a label as an "Objectionable" blog.

You saw this same thing during the election last year when certain supporters of certain politicians used the "Flag" button in an attempt to stop the dissemination of information which could harm their candidates campaign. And here it is happening again.

Please don't let it happen. Go to Girl In Shorts and read her post. Then go to the blogger forum and express your opinion.

H/T Instapundit


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