Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm back,

but I'm not sure for how long. As many of my readers know I live north of Corpus Christi, Texas. Well hurricane Alex, didn't hit where I live but the storms it did unleash in my area, almost destroyed a good friends house. It badly damaged the roof, and did rip the siding of of it. Well my friend and I have been slowly replacing his roof, we still have more to do, before we can finish it and then replace all of his siding.

Me, I've had my little S-10 in the shop for over a month to repair the brake lights, and after I get them fixed the wiring in my suburban screws up and now it has to go into the shop. So I've been trying to deal with all this, help my friend on his house, and get my kids to all of their summer programs.

To say I've been stretched a little thin is an understatement.

Starting August 1st, I will restart my talkshow on Blog Talk Radio. It will be Saturday through Thursday once again, and I will do my best to keep up to date on all of the shows.

Thank you for reading here and listening to my show.


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