Sunday, August 8, 2010

Working around the house

and creating youtube video's at the same time. I've been working on getting my AltE setup done. Originally I was going to hook it up on the 28' Travel trailer I've been converting to an office. But with everything going on in this country politically and financially. I'm going to set it up for the house instead. Sooooo, there are a few change I need to make. The trailer was going to be mostly a 12v setup. The house is 120v AC, so I need to get a whole house inverter to convert the DC power in my batteries to AC power for the house. I know what I want to get but the almost $2000.00 price tag is currently out of my reach. Then I'll need more batteries and solar panels,and I need to get off my butt and get my homebrew wind generator finished, so I can add it's generation capabilities to my power system. But I have re-mounted my 6, 15 watt Harbor Freight panels, and purchased 2 new GC2 6 v batteries, plus I've been digging out all the various components I've been buying over the last 4 years, so I will get my system up and running.. But the videos I've done today, are embedded below.


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