Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hey Remember the story about the union wanting to

force parent volunteers to join the union? If you don't click THIS and read about it. Then click on THIS LINK to see how the parents of another district got fed up and tried to trigger a parent take over of the school board. And see how the UNION steps up and does EVERYTHING in it's power to prevent that from happening? The union claims they don't wish to subject the children to "untested changes" Hmmm, it seems to me they doth protest too much. The school has been chronically under performing, and the parents have had it with their tax dollars being wasted on an incompetent school board and school district. They use a new provision under the law to try to take back their childrens schools and the union and the school board jump in with both feet to try to stomp on the initiative. I don't know about you, but I personally think the parents have more than a leg to stand on here. And in my not so humble opinion, Public Sector Unions need to be abolished. That's just my opinion, but I am tired of the rubber rooms, the ridiculously high pay of the administrators who consistently produce negative results. If a teacher isn't teaching they need to be FIRED. The unions won't allow that though. Teachers who have sexually molested their students are still on the payroll instead of being fired and locked up in prison. And it is unions and the corrupt school boards who are not just allowing this to happen, they are not just enabling it to happen. In a few cases they are actively ENCOURAGING it to happen.

I'm going to stop here before my blood pressure starts to go up and I give myself another migraine.

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