Thursday, March 29, 2012

The right of the people

to know everything that happens in the world is NOT an enumerated right to every little bit of operational details and juicy tidbit of gossip about everything our government is doing or has done. Granted I believe that there should be a cut off date beyond which secrecy is ridiculous and the information should be made available.

HOWEVER! The right of the news media in it's thirst for ratings and readership should NEVER take precedent over the right of confidential informants to remain unidentified to protect them from retaliatory actions.

While checking the news this morning I run across THIS story. Allow me to paraphrase. The physician who helped us try to locate Osama Bin Laden has been fired from his job, arrested and they want to try him for treason. The penalty for which includes the death penalty. Other physicians, nurses and medical aides have lost their jobs and could possibly also be charged.

Why was ANY information about their role in locating of OBL, EVER released? That information should be held until either they are no longer in that country or they are dead. BUT NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Big giant media prostitutes looking for the ratings and readership, just HAD to expose them. They needed that kicker for their report. And now people may die. And who told this information to the media? Who authorized it's release? If any harm comes to any other the team members who helped us locate OBL, those leakers should be put on trial for manslaughter at the minimum. Not just them though. The media prostitutes who reported it should also be prosecuted for revealing information as well. Remember Julian Assange? and how he didn't redact the names of confidential informants? And remember how it was reported that many of those informants and their families were killed or disappeared? Aren't we going to try to charge him in a US Court of Law for their deaths? He should be. And so should any "Leaker" or Media Prostitute who publishes sensitive information without making sure it is sanitized. And if it cannot be sanitized, don't report it in the first place.

If the good Doctor and his companions come to harm. I feel individuals in the government who allowed the information get out need to be charged, and also the media that reported it, needs to be charged as well. Not just the reporter who wrote the story, the editors who authorized it and the managers, and executives running that media organization. ALL OF THEM need to be charged. Every last one of them.

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