Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where is Gloria Steinem?

Jane Fonda? Sandra Fluke? All of the liberal left women who scream about the rights of women?

What am I talking about? THIS is what I am talking about. A woman who is beaten and abused by her spouse and tries to escape that abuse, can be jailed? While her abuser walks off scot free. And the woman doesn't even need to be married. She can be a rape victim, and yet she is punished, while her rapist walks off without punishment. And to top off the injustice, after getting out of jail, a woman can be killed through an "Honor Killing" and it is perfectly legal!

WAKE UP! Do you left leaning women think for a SECOND! that if the terrorists win, you'll somehow be safe from their predations? And why are you not speaking out? You can scream from the roof tops when someone from the right side of the aisle says something mean spirited. But you can't so much as raise your voice above the level of a butterfly when these, these I can't even think of a name that describes just how LOW these animals are. No, that's wrong. That is demeaning to the animal kingdom. These people are lower than phyto plankton, but at least phyto plankton serves an actual purpose.

My blood pressure is getting up. I can already feel the migraine coming on.

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