Saturday, March 31, 2012

Serenity and Firefly are a prophecy

I just rewatched Serenity.

And while I find it a fascinating movie with an excellent ensemble cast. With ideals that I wish my children and myself would live up to. I also find it to be a damning of the liberal left and their agenda.

A government, trying to make people “better”. And when their experiment has disastrous effects and side effects, they cover it up and bury the truth. Killing anyone whom might possibly know the truth and might expose their lies and actions.

The liberal left has an agenda. For some of them their agenda is a world more in tune with the earth. They will tell you that right out. What they won’t tell you is that their plan for that involves the deaths of millions of people to reduce mans footprint of the earth. And for oil and gas production to be stopped. In fact they want any type of industrial activity stopped. They want the world to return to sustenance farming, with no hunting, no cars, no radios, no television and no advanced medical care. Don’t believe me? Ask one of them. They will tell you, that man is destroying the earth and needs to be trimmed back to allow the earth to heal. They are against GMO plants, against finding new sources of energy, new medical cures and treatments for the aged and elderly. They are trying to make the world and it’s people “Better”.

Below are the lines spoken by the characters in the movie. I have just re-watched the movie for about the 20th time, this time with the captions on, and I stopped and typed out the lines as they are spoken. Read these for yourself. See what you think. Is this where we are headed?

(Teacher) The Central Planets formed the Alliance, ruled by an interplanetary parliament. The alliance was a beacon of civilization. The savage outer planets were not so enlightened and refused alliance control. The war was devastating, but the alliance’s victory over the independents ensured a safer universe. And now everyone can enjoy the comfort and enlightenment of true civilization.

“What is wrong with this picture?”

It’s true that there are dangers on the outer planets. So with so many social and medical advancements we can bring to the independents, why would they fight so hard against us?

(River Tam Answers) We meddle.

(Teacher) River?

(River Tam) People don’t like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think. Don’t run, don’t walk. We’re in their home and in their heads, and we haven’t the right. We’re meddlesome.

(Teacher) River, We’re not telling people what to think, we’re just trying to show them how.

(Teacher then take stylus and stabs it into Rivers forehead.)

(The Operative talking to Mal) I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without Sin.

(Mal) So Me and mine gotta lay down and die, So you can live in your better world?

(The Operative) I’m not going to live there. There is no place for me there. Any more than there is for you Malcom. I’m a monster. What I do is evil, I have no illusions about it, but it must be done.

(Mal) Keep talking, you’re not getting a location trace off this wave.

(The Operative) And every minute you keep River Tam from me, more people will die.

(Mal) You think I care?

(The Operative) Of course you care. You’re not a Reaver Mal. You are a human man and you will never understand how—

(Mal turns off screen)

(Mal taking to crew) there are a lot of fine ways to die. I ain’t waiting for the Alliance to choose mine.

(Recording of Scientist in rescue ship) These are just a few of the images that we’ve recorded. And you can see, it isn’t what we thought. There’s been no war here, and no terraforming event. The environment is stable. It’s the Pax. The G-23 Paxilon Hydroclorate that we added to the air processors. It was supposed to calm the population, weed out aggression. Well it works. The people here stopped fighting. And then they stopped everything else. They stopped going to work, they stopped breeding, talking, eating. There 30 million people here, and they all just let themselves die. [crashing sound, scientist gasps] I have to be quick. About a tenth of a percent of the population had the opposite reaction to the Pax. Their aggressor response increased beyond madness. They have become, [crashing sound] Well they’ve killed most of us. And not just killed, they’ve done things.

(wash) Reavers. They made them.

(Recording of Scientist) I won’t live to report this, but people have to know. We meant it for the best. To make people safer. [Reavers growling] God! [Scientist raises firearm and fires off camera, then puts firearm to her own head to commit suicide. A reaver grabs her and take her out of camera as she screams]

(Jayne) Turn it off [Wash shuts off recording]

(Mal talking later in ship) This report is about 12 years old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried, until River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear. Because there’s a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it too. They’re gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. You all go on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I’m asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything, I know this. They will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they’ll swing back to the belief that they can make people, better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave.

(Jayne) Shepherd Book used to tell me, “if you can’t do something smart, do something right.

(Mal talking to The operative at Mr Universes complex) I know the secret. The truth that burned up River Tam’s brain. Rest of the ‘verse is gonna know it too. ‘Cause they need to.

(The Operative) Do you really believe that?

(Mal) I do.

(The Operative) You willing to die for that belief?

(Mal) I am.

[Mal and the operative are fighting under Mr Universes complex]

(The Operative) Do you know what your sin is, Mal?

(Mal) Ahhh, Hell. I’m a fan of all seven.

(Mal after knocking Operative down) But right now, I’m going to have to go with wrath.

(Mal after disabling the Operative) I ain’t gonna kill you. Hell I’m going to grant you your greatest wish. I’m going to show you a world without sin. [He then puts the memory cartridge in Mr Universes transmitter and the message starts to play.]

[Mal and the rest of the crew are under the guns of the Alliance soldiers, the soldiers are getting ready to fire when the Operative issues an order]

(The Operative) Stand down, Stand down. It’s finished. We’re finished.

[The operative talking to Mal after helping to repair Serenity,]

(The Operative) It’s not over, you know. I can’t guarantee that they won’t come after you. The Parliament. Your broadwave about Miranda, has weakened their regime. But they are not gone, and they are not forgiving.

(Mal) That don’t bode especially well for you, giving the order to let us go. Patching up our hurt.

(The Operative) I told them the Tams are no longer a threat, damage done. They might listen, but I think they know I’m no longer their man.

And the people in power still try to make us and our world "Better". Shouldn't they look to themselves first? If they wish to improve people and our world, shouldn't they look first to themselves? Lead by Example? Malcolm Reynolds did just that. He stood up. He took the lead. And he set the example. Do you see anyone in our current political game, who is standing up for that? Standing up for us?

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