Friday, March 30, 2012

Trying to get some shooting in

on my new to me Taurus Model 82. I went by our other piece of property earlier and even with the 4X4 suburban, no way would I be able to get some shooting in. Since it's so flat down here on the coast, in order to have a safe back stop I have to fire down into a drainage ditch. The ditch is almost 6 feet deep where I shoot, and standing back from the edge I can get 25 feet of distance from shooting line to target. Perfect for shooting handguns and getting in some practice with the shotgun. However, remember I said it's wet? The ditch is right now a goopy clinging mud. there is no way i can get down into it to setup my target stand, then back up on top to shoot, without sinking into the muck over my rubber boots. Already tried it, sank almost to my knees, and getting back up was real fun. The sides of the ditch didn't want to support me to good. I could try it in my back yard, however the county frowns on me shooting anything larger than my .22 unless I'm shooting snakes with the shotgun, on the property. Once again, it's that lack of back stop, with the .22 I have a couple of nice 12X12X36 blocks to put my target on and that wood stops a .22 real good. So, weather holding in abeyance I should be able to shoot on the property by next wednesday. I really hope so. I need some trigger time. And I don't want to have to drive to Corpus and pay the ridiculous range fees.

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