Monday, April 30, 2012

And the opposite of the previous post.....

A student enters an Honors class that has stringent rules.  He and his mother sign an agreement to abide by the rules of the class or face removal.  Guess what.  He violated the rules and was removed for cheating.  End of story.  Right?  Wrong!  Daddy files a lawsuit to get his child reinstated.  Read for yourself link below:

"A high school sophomore supposedly cheated on homework. He was kicked out of his honors English class, and his father doesn't deny the cheating occurred. But that's not where it ends; that's where it starts."

I'm sorry.... But if I screwed up like that, my father would first paddles my but and second he would tell me I made my bed so now I had to lie in it.How is this teaching this kid about personal responsibility?  Oh he screws up and mommy or daddy will fix it and make it go away......  Whaaaat?  That is what is wrong with our current society.  NO ONE is taking responsibility for their actions.  Look at Hollyweird  with all the famous actors and actresses and people famous for being famous.  A DUI here a DWI there, a drug charge over in that place.  Do they serve real time?  Do they actually get punished?  When people who aren't famous or rich who have lesser offenses receive anywhere from 4 to 50 times the punishment.  How is that fair?  How is that a properly functioning society? It isn't.  

That is one of the main things wrong with our society.....  It's always SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT!  Hey folks, if you screw up, stand up and take responsibility for it.  Don't expect everyone else to give you a pass as if your screw didn't exist.

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