Saturday, April 21, 2012

I think he needs to quit smoking

the wacky tobaccy and drinking the kool-aid.

"Since the end of the military draft in 1973, every person joining the U.S. armed forces has done so because he or she asked to be there. Over the past decade, this all-volunteer force has been put to the test and has succeeded, fighting two sustained foreign wars with troops standing up to multiple combat deployments and >extreme stress.

This is precisely the reason it is time to get rid of the all-volunteer force. It has been too successful. Our relatively small and highly adept military has made it all too easy for our nation to go to war — and to ignore the consequences."

To quote XBRADTC

"Let’s take the best trained, most educated force we’ve ever fielded and ruin it!Geebus, how is it people this stupid get PAID to write?"

Hmmm I think it has something to do with a Liberal Arts Degree.  The remove commonsense, dignity and an actual brain stem when they hand you the sheep skin.

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