Sunday, April 22, 2012

Take your blood pressure meds before reading

From Bare Naked Islam:

"Daily Mail: A gang of Muslim men who abducted and raped two teenage girls as part of their Eid celebrations laughed in court yesterday as they were jailed for a total of 38 years.
The girls, aged 15 and 16, were lured miles from their home to a dingy hostel. In a horrifying weekend-long ordeal, they were plied with alcohol and repeatedly raped by two men, Shamrez Rashid and Amar Hussain, before being offered to a number of others who also ‘used them for sex’."

I'm sorry. You celebrate a religious remembrance by raping two under age girls, and when you are caught and charged with it, you smirk and make funny face in court?  How is your religion, Islam, a religion of peace if it allows this to happen?

"The 16-year old was forced to have sex six times with four different men. The younger victim was raped by one man and then sexually assaulted by another."

Sixteen and fifteen year old girls, under the laws in many countries and states DO NOT have the legal right to consent to intimate relations.  How dare these, these, I won't even allow that they are members of the human race, these PIGS, SWINE, HOGS, PORCINES, Yes I am calling them that which to them is Unholy, because to me they are Unholy SCUM, how DARE they touch a child, not yet in her full womanhood, unable to give her willing consent through law and custom.  Prison is too good for these PIGS!  I am a Minister, however there are times in which I agree with the Old Testament.  Much as it pains me in my soul to say it, a different form of punishment is necessary for these heathen pigs.  To start I feel the removal of their right hands, as the left hand is unclean, and the traditional punishment for theft, such as the theft of those children's innocence, according to the Qur'an is the cutting off of the hand.  By removing of the hand you brand them a thief, by removing of the right hand you deny them entrance into Jannah as they are unclean.  I know there are people who will call me reactionary, and attempt to vilify me.  I don't care.  These radical Islamists, who care nothing for the laws of man and common decency, will destroy Islam itself.  And through their actions, and the inaction of moderate Islams who will not temper or restrain the radicalists, there will be people, be they Jews, Christians, Atheists, Hindus, Bhuddists or any other religious or non-religious group, who will step in.  It is my fear that they actions of the minority, will be blamed up on the majority, and the "War on Islam" will become FACT instead of hysteria.  This HAS to be stopped.  But I fear, it won't be.  Until such time as Moderate Islamics stand up and take back their religion from the radicalists, incidents such as Bare Naked Islam refers to above, will continue to happen.  And more and more civilized people of all religions, all colors, all races and creeds will become more and more disgusted and angry.  And then there will be a true war against Islam.  And I fear it may become the new Holocaust.

I pray it will not happen, but I fear it will.

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