Thursday, April 5, 2012

You know, it's a shame

that the Supreme Court, doesn't just "Rubber Stamp" laws passed by congress and executive orders signed by the president. I mean the idea of a totally separate and co-equal judicial branch is just soooo over rated. The politicians could really change things if that pesky supreme court would just play along and listen to their betters who know so much more than them about things such as the constitution and constitutional law. I mean next thing you know those uppity Justices will be asking if the Department of Justice actually believes in upholding the Laws and Constitution of the United States. Oh, Wait...... They already did.

Oh, but our president is so enlightened he wouldn't think of trying to undermine the judicial branch and actually try to issue edicts to them. Oh, Wait.... He did?

Ok, I'm gonna stop channeling John Stewart here. Sarcasm isn't my forte` but I will say this. President Obama is without a doubt the most vindictive, petty and petulant individual I have ever seen in my entire life. Coupled with his harridan of a significant other, he has done more damage to the reputation and prestige of the United States than Joseph McCarthy and his Anti-Communist witch-hunt. I can only hope that Obama is defeated in the November election and our new President will be able to repair the damage this Fakir and his minions, co-conspirators and his various and numerous controllers have done.

If not.......

Well I hear the weather is good in the Caribbean, other than hurricanes.

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