Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Eugene Volokh has

a very interesting one.

Can a person or company be compelled to produce/print items which are against their beliefs.

"When Blaine learned that it was a gay pride festival, he asked, “You know we’re a Christian organization, don’t you?” He then continued on to say that Hands On Originals would not print shirts related to a gay pride festival. He suggested that he could refer us to a different business who would print the shirts. Our committee member told them he would take that offer to the board, but that he felt that we would not want to do business with anyone who did business with Hands On Originals, based on their discrimination.

On March 25th, the GLSO board met in emergency session and agreed to file a complaint with the HRC under the Lexington Fairness Ordinance."

Click the above to go RTWT

UPDATE: Bloviating Zeppelin has some more thoughts on it.

As the result of this, a number of things occurred:

A complaint was filed with the Lexington human rights commission;
60 homosexual activists picketed the business;
The Lexington School District has stopped purchasing from the business;
The City of Lexington and University of Kentucky are considering pulling business;
Lexington Mayor Jim Gray publicly stated "people don't have patience for this sort of attitude today";
Local comments have indicated they simply want to bankrupt or eliminate the business wholesale;
One group is trying to buy the company's mortgage for the purpose of evicting them

So you tell me, WHO is being intolerant here?

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