Monday, May 28, 2012

FW: In Memory of

In alphabetical order
1. The American Cemetery at Aisne-Marne , France ... A total of 2289
2. The American Cemetery at Ardennes , Belgium ... A total of 5329
3. The American Cemetery at Brittany, France ... A total of 4410
4. Brookwood , England - American Cemetery ... A total of 468
5. Cambridge , England ... A total of 3812
6. Epinal , France - American Cemetery ... A total of 5525
7. Flanders Field , Belgium ... A total of 368
8. Florence , Italy ... A total of 4402
9. Henri-Chapelle , Belgium ... A total of 7992
10. Lorraine , France ... A total of 10,489
11. Luxembourg , Luxembourg ... A total of 5076
12. Meuse-Argonne... A total of 14246
13. Netherlands , Netherlands ... A total of 8301
14. Normandy , France ... A total of 9387
15. Oise-Aisne , France ... A total of 6012
16. Rhone , France ... A total of 861
17. Sicily , Italy ... A total of 7861
18. Somme , France ... A total of 1844
19. St. Mihiel , France ... A total of 4153
20. Suresnes , France ... A total of 1541

Apologize to no one!
Remind those of our sacrifice and don't
Confuse arrogance with leadership.
The count is 104,366
Dead, brave Americans.


1 comment:

  1. Puts in into perspective doesn't it? My son and I went with his Boy Scout troop to Zachary Taylor Cemetery on Saturday to put flags on all the graves. Left with tears in my eyes thinking of the these men and women and their sacrifice form mine and my sons freedom.


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