Monday, May 28, 2012

I wasn't going to blog anything but Memorial day today however.....

Stacy McCain posted something that made my blood pressure shoot up about 30 points.

“At this point in this struggle, it’s the so-called patriots who are the ones who are smashing down every American institution,” Jones said last weekend in Milwaukee. “It’s the so-called patriots, the ones who come out here with their Tea Party and the flags and call themselves patriots — they’re the ones that are smashing down our unions, smashing down public education, smashing down every American institution that we built, and our parents built, and our grandparents built to make this country great.” Jones added that the Tea Party is trying to “take a wrecking ball — and paint it red, white, and blue — and smash down all the things our parents did for us.”  - Van Jones comments at a Anti-Walker Rally

Click to go RTWT

Mr. Jones and his ilk are the reason the TEA Party exists.  Patriotic Americans are tired of the leftist liberal idiots abusing the Constitution and destroying the freedoms and excellence of this country.

Please lick the above and go read.

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