Friday, August 24, 2012

Family Research Council Shooting

The suspect who I shall not name plead not guilty to attempted murder. Why isn't he charged with a hate crime or a terroristic crime? If he had attacked some other organizations he would be. As Bob Owens points out.

"It is hard to believe that a man that carried in so much ammunition with him, and which had two separate known organizations targeted for murder for their political beliefs and their support of a Christian-owned family restaurant, is not being charged with domestic terrorism or anti-Christian hate crimes.

Is there any doubt at all he would have faced such charges if he had attacked a mosque, CAIR, or leftwing outfits like Media Matters or the Tides Foundation?

This is a selective non-prosecution by the Obama Department of Justice, where left wing criminals simply are not prosecuted."

Click the above to RTWT

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