Friday, August 24, 2012

New York City Shooting

Bob Owens has some points to ponder.

"From piecing together the various media accounts, we know that Johnson was most likely armed with a M1911 .45 ACP pistol, which has a 7 or 8 round magazine. He shot his victim 2-3 times, leaving 5-6 bullets. At least one was found in the magazine, and we have to assume one in the chamber as well.

That means he fired 3-4 bullets, tops, at police.

There were at least three hits on Johnson confirmed by a witness, which suggests the majority of the wounded were hit by the 11-12 additional rounds let loose by the NYPD that missed Johnson."

The Comment I left there is:

"When I was in law enforcement we were only required to qualify twice a year. 50 rounds set distances, and you only had to score 175 out of 300 to qualify. 175 points out of 300. And over 40% of the other officers had to shoot 2 or 3 times to pass. I was shooting on average 300 plus rounds a month trying to maintain proficiency. Most officers only shot at quals and no other times. My departments training budget was $15.00 per officer per month, and we were not paid for training. If we were lucky they’d actually buy a box of ammo and a couple of targets. Anything else was on our time and our dime. So it doesn’t surprise me if the majority if not all of the wounded bystanders were shot by officers and not the perp."

With more and more emphasis in training being on "High Speed" tactics and less on marksmanship, is this any surprise?

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