Friday, August 24, 2012

Over Regulation kills business

In these troubled financial times, you would think that local governments would be doing everything they could to encourage businesses and smoothing the way for entrepreneurs to invest in local communities.

That is, unless you live in Chattanooga.

"How many regulations are necessary to dictate how a licensed, responsible adult should operate an oversized tricycle? If those regulations come from the nanny-state tyrants responsible for drafting the City of Chattanooga’s pedicab ordinance, the answer is 11 pages’ worth.

When longtime Chattanooga-area resident Christian “Thor” Thoreson and his partner Christina Holmes decided to launch Buzz Chattanooga Pedicabs in February 2011, the business seemed tailor-made for the downtown area."

The simple willing ignorance of city officials just boggles the mind.

And an additional story on the situation.

"The Chattanooga Times Free Press published an editorial obituary for a pedicab company killed by regulations this week.

Buzz Chattanooga was supposed to schlep people around the Scenic City in the backs of oversized tricycles. Christian “Thor” Thoreson and his partner Christina Holmes hoped the company would appeal to official hoping to boost tourism and minimize drunk driving and congestion. They jumped through a bunch of hoops to get the business off the ground."

With unemployment reaching a true level in excess of 13% including people who have stopped looking for work, to put so many impediments in the way of a business which if allowed to prosper could have revitalized your own downtown area, thereby increasing your own tax revenues, AND getting more people working and paying taxes. It should be a Win-Win situation. But the city of Chattanooga killed it.

Great Job!!!!

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