Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Judge states Civil War is coming

if Obama is reelected.

"On Wednesday, Judge Head explained his remarks in a video interview with the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. He said his original comments were taken out of context. But as the county's emergency management director, he said he has to keep a "worst case scenario" in mind if Obama returns to the White House and Democrats control the Senate.

"I have some opinions what they're doing and what they're trying to do if they stay in power," he said. "And I have to prepare for that."

The Lubbuck-Avalanche story

Now, I don't know this Judge, I don't agree with him, and while I do have concerns for our country if Obummer is reelected, I'm not sure screaming that there is going to be a "Civil War" is being helpful.

Granted the Judge now has some major attention for his claims. I feel it will become more and more negative attention from Obummers defenders in the media.

Also he is saying that they need more money for more deputies so people need to vote for a tax increase so they can hire more men for the sheriffs office. Methinks there be something fishy there, that has a bit f a smell.

But what do I know? I just a small blogger reading this reports from the media.

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