Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Something that will make you mad

and warm you heart that ARE still good people in the world.

"After having his car vandalized four times, Jordan Addison said it would cost $2,500 to fix the damage. And Addison says he believes he was targeted for being gay.

"The first time there were some homophobic slurs keyed into the side of it," the Roanoke, Virginia, college student told WDBJ7-TV. "Then the second time I had [die] keyed into it."

Addison says the vandals damaged his car both when it was parked at his home and on campus. And despite wanting to have the car fixed, Addison wasn't sure he could afford it. "[F]or a college student that's a lot of money," he said.

But the manager of a local auto shop stepped in and not only repaired Addison's car for free but also enlisted the help of several other auto specialists to give the car a substantial upgrade."

Be sure to watch the video.

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