Monday, August 27, 2012

Just for the record - Book reviews

I will do a book review, for FREE, just send me a copy of the book either an actual hard bound or a PDF of it.  Note: I read lots of history, Sci-fi and Fantasy, in addition to Biographies and such.  But for the Most part if Baen publishes it I read it.

But to return to the topic in question:

"Suddenly it hit him. Instead of trying to cajole others to review a client’s work, why not cut out the middleman and write the review himself? Then it would say exactly what the client wanted — that it was a terrific book. A shattering novel. A classic memoir. Will change your life. Lyrical and gripping, Stunning and compelling. Or words to that effect."

So writing ANYTHING the customer wants instead of actually reading the book and giving an honest review, just so long as you get your money. Thank you for destroying the reputation of people who actually try to give honest reviews.  But hey as the sating goes, "Anything for money."  I'm sorry but that isn't right.  You are deceiving the authors whose books you are reviewing and the public at large.  I am a writer, if someone is going to review my work, I want an honest opinion so I know if I am actually getting the reader into the actual story, if my writing puts them as one of the characters.  Can they get the suspension of disbelief to enjoy the story.  I can't find out if my writing has done that with a fake paid review.

So that paid service cheats both the readers and the the authors.  Doesn't seem like a good deal now, does it?

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