Monday, August 27, 2012

On Emergency Preparedness

Whilst running down the blogroll I found Peter linking to Evyl Robot and then a link in the comments to a comment on one of Dr. Helen's posts.  That is a comment that EVERYONE should read.  Because it is very telling.

I've got news for a lot of people out there.  The only person responsible for ensuring your safety in a time of disaster and collapse.......


You are responsible for your own safety, not the government, not your neighbor who planned ahead, not your parents (Unless you are still a child)  YOU ARE.

A lot of people will sit back and say, "That's the governments job, to take care of me."  NOPE!  It is not the governments job to take care of you.  It is the governments job to do it's best to ensure the safety and security of the entire nation.  "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."  Yes I know it's Star Trek, but that is how the government is in real life.  Remember Hurricane Katrina?  Remember New Orleans?  Which may be happening again as I sit here and type this.  The local government didn't fulfill it's mission to ensure the safety and security of it's populace, then the state government failed to step in to do it's duty.  And despite what you may think, FEMA's response isn't even designed to start until 3 days AFTER they get a disaster declaration from the STATE government.  Which they didn't get.  President Bush made the declaration to get the wheels rolling, as Governor Blanco wouldn't get off her butt and do her job.  So your life expectancy may be at the whims of an inept or incompetent local or state government.

What does that mean?

It means get off your lazy butt and start making your own preparations, because no one else will be making them for you.  Others who are already making preparations will not include you in their plans.  And unless you are financially contributing NOW, don't expect your money to sway someone who has been preparing.  What good will your money be then when you can't find anymore food, or medical supplies or even drinking water or fuel?

If you want to thrive past a major emergency, not just survive but thrive, you had better get off your butt and start taking actions NOW.  Because unfortunately, I believe that the time we have to prepare is becoming less and less.

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