Friday, August 31, 2012

Mitt Romney forcing Obummer to actually do his job.

Obummer was more concerned with campaigning and had no plans to go to New Orleans to check up on the relief and rescue operations.  that is Until Mitt Romney canceled a joint appearance and headed down to New Orleans himself.

"President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.

After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event, though he will still hold a rally in Toledo, Ohio before heading south.

But the Republican presidential candidate touched down in the Hurricane ravaged state this afternoon - a full three days before Obama - touring the flooded areas around Lafitte and showing his support for local residents."

Obummer's campaign actually canceled a campaign stop to fund raise so their anointed one could be seen as actually doing the job he is supposed to be doing.

And I know there are going to be many on the Left who will sarcastically ask why Mitt Romney is even there. He isn't President so what authority does he have there. They don't get it. Mitt isn't there as an authority figure. He is there because he is a compassionate person and he can't not try to help. Also by checking out the response going on now he can help with future issues by identifying areas where more attention needs to be paid. What works, what doesn't, and what could use improvement. But that won't matter to the Left, only re-electing their obamessiah.

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