Friday, August 31, 2012

The Hypocrisy of the left and the media - Burning Man

Remember David Chalian getting fired over saying that Republicans want black people to drown?  Ask yourself this, what about their own supporters party?  Known as Burning Man, it started on Monday and goes to next Monday.  Why aren't those people canceling their event if they are so concerned with what happens with the aftermath of Hurricane Issac?  At least David Chalian got fired for his thoughtless comment, but what about all those other hypocrites who are probably at Burning Man and tweeting their anger about how the Republicans wouldn't end their party in Tampa.  At least the GOP postponed the opening of their convention when it was thought Issac might cause problems for the local emergency responders.  and what about the Left's false Idols?  Ellen Barkin retweeted a desire for the death of hundreds of people at the RNC Convention, while the very real possibility of people Dying in New Orleans didn't seem to bother her at all.  Then Samuel L Jackson had a tweet himself where he wished God would send Issac to tampa to take out the nasty Republicans.   And yet while many of their fans are out on the Playa enjoying a hedonistic adventure, they say nothing about them having to cancel their party.

What you didn't catch was something rather important.  I saw almost no news reports about Burning Man this entire week.  Why?  Because they couldn't point out the obvious disconnect of attempting to hold their Leftist supporters out at the Playa , to the same standard that they hold Nasty Conservatives and Disgusting Republicans to.  That would allow the light to shine in, and they want those curtains tightly closed. If the light got through to expose the truth, well even the Left couldn't ignore their own hypocrisy.

And the hypocrisy is is glaring and obvious to anyone but a lefty.  Anyone who doesn't agree in lockstep is evil and must be humiliated, marginalized and destroyed, for their very existence puts lie to the lefts so called "enlightenment"

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