Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An old threat appears in the news again - Electromagnetic Pulse

"Last Wednesday, during a House hearing, Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., stressed that the current power grid would be vulnerable in the light of an electromagnetic pulse disruption, which could be caused by a nuclear weapon or solar storm. Franks, along with panelists from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense testified that an EMP attack would cause widespread power outages and unprecedented damage to the power grid. Since the Department of Defense relies on the civilian grid for 99 percent of its electricity needs, the panelists said that military infrastructure would be vulnerable as well."

This is actually something serious.  It doesn't have to be a nuclear attack, a severe solar storm would interfere with the earth's magnetic field so badly it could knock out power for a large portion of the world, not just the United States.

Our grid here in the US needs immediate upgrading, modernization and hardening against EMP.  The whole worlds electrical grid also needs the same upgrades and hardening.  Just a few weeks ago over half of India was without power.  A few years back over one fifth of the United States was without power for almost a week. It won't take much to disable vast portions of our country due to something which could be classified as a small Solar Event.  what would happen if it was a Major Event?

Are you ready to go back to cooking and heating with wood?  Do you even have a way to do so?

Our country runs on electricity.  Our Industry, our Hospitals, our Schools all require electricity and infrastructure. 

A simple Solar Storm could knock out part of our country for weeks.  A Major solar storm could knock out the entire planet, for weeks or even months.  If this happens with our economy in it's current state, it could be the tipping point, and it could take years or decades to recover.

Think about it, and try to make some preparations.  And all though with our current situation in Congree, you might want to try to communicate with your elected representatives about trying to do something about this.

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