Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ramping up the tension in the Middle East

"TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Tehran has deployed one of its Russian-made submarines in the Persian Gulf, just days after the United States and more than two dozen allies began naval exercises nearby, Iranian state television reported Tuesday.

The Taregh-1 joined the Iranian fleet in the southern port of Bandar Abbas after it was overhauled earlier this year, according to the TV report. It's one of three Russian Kilo class submarines that Iran obtained in the early 1990s.

In May, Iran redeployed another Russian-made submarine after repairs."

Just what we need. More Saber Rattling. Actions like this have a way to make it so a sane response cannot be reached, as the expectations of the citizens f the countries involved will demand action. And the leaders of the countries won't back down for fear of losing "face". Just a way to say testosterone could start World War Three.

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