Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Couldn't say it better if I tried.

"I don't care about nation building in Afghanistan anymore. I don't care about the Muslim Brotherhood being in power in Egypt anymore. Let al Qaeda take over Tunisia. I. Just. Don't. Care.

Our foreign policy towards the Muslim world should simply be this: leave us the f*ck alone, if you don't we will utterly annihilate you. We will not invade. We will not depose. We will not nation build. We will destroy.

And if after being destroyed you choose to f*ck with us again, we will destroy you again. Until either you stop f*cking with us or you are all dead.
The nuclear option is on the table."

If they don't want to act civilized and refrain from killing and destroying, fine. We will take them out, no muss, no fuss, no American lives endangered.

How simple is that?  It all boils down to simple courtesy.  If you don't want to be killed, quit killing our people.

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