Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The coming of World War Three

Click the below link and read Peter's post. Check out all the links he posts. After all that, if you don't start making preparations, there is something wrong with your head.

Another war warning

Seriously, things are getting to the point where you won't have time to prepare as there won't be the extra supplies to purchase, if you can even afford it.

Get your head's out of the clouds and quit with the wishful thinking.

Many are probably saying that I'm being alarmist and nothing is going to happen.

Can you predict when the next natural disaster is going to hit?

Can you predict when the next terrorist attack will hit?

You can't.  And neither can I. 

I CAN however look at the socioeconomic conditions and political conditions and then look at history to make a few educated guesses.  And so far several of my educated guess have been correct.  I'm not batting 1.0, but I am batting over .500.  Other Bloggers and some commentors have rather high batting averages as it comes to what is going on.  And compared to the Media and the Politicians batting averages, I'll bet on us bloggers.

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