Friday, September 14, 2012

H&K and Apple, "Because you suck and we hate you"

I'll let you do your own research as to H&K's disdain for their non-Mil, non-Gov customers. 
However despite what all the Apple fanbois say, Apple hates their customers just as much if not more than H&K.  Want proof?

"I think that it's high time to resurrect that old chestnut known as the "Apple tax." 

 While Apple's computer prices are more competitive than they've ever been, Apple's just moved its famous tax to areas that aren't quite as obvious, and it's still there and more expensive than ever. Exhibit A is Apple's ridiculously expensive Lightning to 30-pin adapter (pictured). It's the little dodad that you need to connect your fancy new iPhone 5 or iPod touch or iPod nano to the now-mothballed 30-pin dock connector. 

And it costs $29."

Apple users are like H&K fanbois, always declaring their weapon or idevice is better or greater than any other manufacturers.  And yet they are just dupes to H&K and Apple.

Who had the first tablet?  Believe it or not the first large scale touch screen tablet was built by Microsoft. You know Bill Gates, NOT Steve Jobs.  To here Apple fanbois say it, Steve Jobs and Apple were the creators of the tablet computer and also the the first touch screen phone and many other things.  Look it up do your own research.  In fact I've posted about it a few times here on the blog about some of Apples ridiculous software patents lawsuits.

So Apple while they have made great innovations by bringing together various pieces and parts of their own and other companies work.  They still aren't all that.  And to hear the almost reverence of Apple's fanbois and the disdain and scorn they heap on other company's products is like saccharine sweet.

And yet those singing the praises of Apple get treated with the same scorn as those who sing the praises of H&K.

So open your eyes you deluded things.  Apple and H&K only care about you for your money.  And nothing else.

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