Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama's Re-election strategy harming the US

Obama's October surprise is actually harming everyone in the US.  By having the Federal Reserve begin another round of Quantitative Easing, Credit Rating Agencies are further downgrading the US's credit rating, due to the increased debt our government is taking on.  Germany in the EU is already making noises about their concerns over US Debt. If our debt bomb hits it has the possibility of taking down the financial markets of both Europe and the Far East, risking China's crash to totally destroy all the worlds financial markets.

Are you ready for inflation to the tune of 100%

Are you ready for a loaf of bread to cost you $10.00 or more?

What about $15 to $20 a gallon for gas?

It's possible it is coming.  All because of the vanity of one man and his supporters in the media.

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