Saturday, September 15, 2012

Obama FAILS again

Why doesn't the Obama Administration want to fulfill it's obligations as to the turning over of necessary documents?  First Fast and Furious, then the Sequestration no the Delphi documents.

What is it that they cannot follow a simple timetable?  Is there something they don't want Congree and the public ie: Their Employers, to know?

"President Barack Obama’s White House failed to meet the deadline to provide documents related to the Delphi pension scandal to the House Ways and Means Committee, The Daily Caller has learned.

On Aug, 15, Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Dave Camp sent official document requests to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation director Josh Gotbaum and White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler. Camp asked for documents relating to Treasury and the White House’s involvement in the decision during the 2009 bailout to terminate the pension plans for 20,000 non-union Delphi salaried workers while topping off the pension plans for union workers."

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