Saturday, September 15, 2012

State Department in Chaos

"I spoke with a well-placed journalist last night whose sources describe the situation at the State Department in one word: “Chaos.” The workingassumption is that several American embassies may have been penetrated,or are vulnerable to attack, because so many of them rely on local residents for staff needs at the embassy, and as such may be in a position to breach security if they have been recruited by Al Qaida. Moreover, the full story of the attack on the Benghazi consulate is muchworse than we have been told Independent newspaper report." 

How much worse is it going to be allowed to get? Before the State Department actually does the job it is supposed to do?  How many more American Citizens and Foreign Service Officer are going to die before the State Department and the President realize that you cannot expect Radicalists to act with courtesy?  And how much longer until the State Department lackeys who have slacked off, allowing people to die and classified information to be compromised are held accountable?

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