Monday, October 1, 2012

An Escort home

If you don't feel a slight shiver through your body reading the story linked below, there is something wrong with your sense of Honor and Compassion.

A WWII Story - The Silicon Graybeard


  1. I forgot the man's name, but on one of the British beaches on D-Day a man walked up and down the beach playing the bagpipes to encourage the men. All the varioius German defenders said later they saw him but did not shoot him because they thought he had lost his mind from the stress of combat.
    This man died within the last 2 years, as I recall. I know about this story because I once worked with an artist who served in the Argyle and Sutherlands and I have a pen-and-ink drawing depicting this event.
    Sadly such stories are rare from the Eastern Front.

  2. That was Bill Millin


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