Monday, October 1, 2012

Once again Obama is using Tax-payers money for his Campaigns benefit

Defense Contractors are REQUIRED by law to issue Lay-off Notice in a Timely fashion in case of Lay-offs from things like the coming sequestration.  The Obama Administrations lackeys at the Office of Management and Budget are telling Defense contractors NOT to send out the notices and if they get sued for violating the notice provisions that the GOVERNMENT will pay the fines not them.


So to cover up the coming job cuts, the OMB is telling companies NOT to give notice which is REQUIRED, so it doesn't hurt Obama in the November election.  And the US Government ie: US Taxpayers, will pay any fines the companies receive for violating the law.

Click HERE to read for yourself.


  1. Now we'll find out how stupid those contractors are for believing 0bama will live up to his promise.
    OR- more likely he'll thank them for not sending ou those notices by fining the cr@p out of them anyway...remember the GM stockholders?

  2. Yup, there is still a suit which may revisit the GM fiasco. I forgot to grab the link of of Insty's site though. I'll have to see if I can find it again. If I can't do a search on GM Bankruptcy lawsuit I think those search terms will find it.


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