Friday, October 12, 2012

Arguing with Leftists

I have found from personal experience it very heard to argue with a leftist.  Why?  Because they use what is known as Circular Logic. They derive their beliefs for or against something or someone because it or they already reinforces their own biases and prejudices.  My experience was with a virulent Obama voter who decried because I do not like Obama or his policies I am an apostate heretic and a RACIST!!!!!! 

How can someone defend themselves from that charge?

Nothing you say will exonerate you and in fact will further damn you in their eyes and the eyes of others.  I know of a gentleman who has been branded Racist. 

He is white, or rather he looks white.  His mother is white, his father is black.  His wife is black and their daughter looks as if she is hispanic or mediterranean. 

And yet black people have branded him a racist.  He has been threatened with beatings and death.

Why you ask?  What did he do, you ask?  He did his job.  He is a cop.  Or was I should say.  He died in 1996 from colon cancer. 

Because of the color of his skin he was branded as a racist for doing his job.  The job of enforcing the law and arresting criminals.  The vast majority of which were black.

Even though he looked white, legally he was classified for the Census as Black.

But almost no one could get past the color of his skin.

His parents did, his wife did, I and many other officers working with him did.  If you asked him what his race was he would often say "Human", on a few occasions he would say "I am a child of the rainbow" just to mess with us.  We didn't care.  He did his job, he laughed and joked around with us after shifts.  And once a month he would buy the beer.

And yet many unknowing, uncaring people called him a Racist.

I got called the same thing all the time, I mean after all the only white person in 3 miles is me, so of course I'm harassing you because you're black.  Not that the bottle of booze I just SAW you shove in your jacket has anything to do with why I singled you out for my attention.  It's because you are black and I'm a racist.

Phil got that attitude all the time too.  And it infuriated him that the only thing some people can see was the color of his skin.

That is why you cannot argue with a Leftist.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, it only matter that if you disagree with them you are a racist.

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