Friday, October 12, 2012

Some 11th hour pardons

will be arriving no later than January 19th 2013.  Obama knows that his administration has broken the law and violated the Constitution.  He also knows that Republicans aren't going to let him and his minions get away with it.  Since his Justice Department went after members of the Bush Administration for so called "War Crimes" and "Torture" with abandon and for free press, he and his minions KNOW they run the very real risk of being prosecuted for their contravention of the law and the Constitution.

So watch for a series of Presidential Pardons to be issued in January.  Even though Obama and Holder and all those other minions claim they never violated any laws.  They KNOW they did.  That was their whole agenda.  The question though is, can Obama give pre-emptive pardons?  Is he legally allowed to do so?  And if he does isn't that an admission of guilt on all of their parts?

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